She rise and she fall like a star........

Death is not the enemy

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Back from the dead

Morbid Victorian is back from the dead. Literally.

Wednesday 7 March 2007

Demolishing the "World famous" Hammersmith Palais

The Hammersmith Palais was opened in 1919 and over the years has played host to some of the biggest bands and artists including Motor head, the Sex Pistols and the Clash who wrote the song (white man) in the the Hammersmith Palais.
The place has become a legendary British institution, probably every influentual
artist of the last 90 years has played there.

Despite this the council plans to knock it down.Hammersmith and Fulham counciller Lucy Ivimy :
"none of the original 1930s interior features remain and in recent years residents have complained more and more about antisocial behaviour at the venue."

For the love of god, young people make noise, old people make noise, middle aged people make noise, how can you blame the palais for antisocial behaviour? If anything it was keeping people off the streets and getting them involved in music, which as far as i'm concerned is not a bad thing.
As far as the 1930's interior goes, it is simply behond the point, its not the walls that remind us of its brilliance, it's the memories! Damn councillers!
Out of everything please don't get rid of the Palais especially knowing that in its place there will be...
drum roll wait for it....
office blocks (dead silence)
Why is that no great shock to me or anyone else around?

A British institution is being replaced by office blocks, how utterley discraceful is that, you wouldn't knock down the globe and put an office block in its place would you? Couldn't the Palais be refirbished? Something needs to be done to stop Hammersmith Palais from being demolished, if not we will be losing out on one of London's great musical landmarks.

Save Hammersmith Palais
Contact the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham council:

Town Hall
King Street
London W6 9JU

not that that will do much good but please we need to do something!

Tuesday 27 February 2007

The Myspace Phenomenon

I've got one, you've got one , hell even Noel Edmonds has one :P
I could only be talking about Myspace!
After sitting on my computer for over an hour , with yet another request from a band called Bloodbath and no comments or messages. I've started to question the value of Myspace, i mean maybe I'm just desperate for comments because I'm hugely unpopular? You can blog which is pretty cool, choose and listen to music as you please, it's great for promoting bands, but has myspace just become yet another site for posers?
By posers what I mean is the people spending hours uploading five pages worth of pictures.Yes well it does look like you have friends, yes well done!
Has myspace become a mirror for the self obsessed or merely another source for crap advertising? Or maybe it's none of the above?

Myspace was recently bought by the Murdoch owned media giant News corp. News corp owns media companies such as Fox and Sky, and has often relected a conservative ideology on its consumers. But will the freedom of speech myspace is famous for be crushed and manipulated by News Corp owned Fox Entertainment.
I dont know about you but im pretty glad i deleted Tom Anderson from my friends list!
Why Tom, I trusted you! Why would you sell out to Murdoch? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Could it be that Mr R Murdoch himself offered you a staggering £332.85million. I mean fuck that is a lot of money.. Tom sold out... and so did co founder Chris De Wolfe. But can we really blame them , I mean they set up the site to make money in the first place didn't they, surely they couldn't have had our interests in mind aswell as their own?

All i know is that since Myspace was taken over by Murdoch i have been tempted to delete my account move permanently else where, Bebo, Face party and newcomer face book are waiting in the wings ready to pic up any deserters.

Are you ready to desert myspace aswell, or is Fox's takeover a good thing?